Hiking is a long day walk usually on country side trials. While trekking is walk on an arduous terrain hiking is walking on a relatively easier terrain. Besides, trekking and hiking are similar as both include a walk for several hours a day. In this modern era, where people are being completely dependent on means of modernization, hiking gives a chance to explore the real life.
Furthermore, hiking is a beautiful walk which focuses on the journey rather than the destination. People often get to collect the beautiful experiences along the way. On the other hand, it is a great option to escape from busy life and the chaos of the cities. Hiking takes you to the country side villages. The accommodations are easily available and also you don’t need any prior planning. Hiking can be done with comfortable walking shoes and clothes; unlike trekking it doesn’t require extra gears.
Hiking is a popular activity in Nepal and it is normally done at an altitude below or up to 4000m. Thus, there is rear chance of altitude sickness and anyone can do it with average physical fitness. A long day walk also gives you a chance to encounter the local villages, cultures and lifestyles. Furthermore, it also has several benefits such as lowers blood pressure, reduces the risk of heart diseases, lowers body fat, and improves mental health and many more. Nepal is one of the best destination for hiking and offers numbers of trails.
Annapurna base camp trek is one of the most famous and touristic trekking region of Nepal. Mt Annapurna (8091m) is...